Great Reasons To Choose An Online EPC

Posted on 04/07/2023

An Energy Performance Certificate, often referred to simply as an EPC, is a document that provides information about the energy efficiency of a property. Energy performance is rated on a scale from A to G, with a rating of G being the least energy-efficient rating.

Sellers need to have an up-to-date EPC available to provide to potential buyers or tenants, so they’ll have the information they need relating to a property’s energy use and potential costs.

Obtaining an EPC has never been easier, and can, just like everything else these days, be ordered online. Ordering an EPC online has plenty of advantages which we outline below.

Online energy performance certificates

1. Speed & Convenience

Ordering your EPC online allows you to complete the process without the need to go out and see anyone, you don’t even need to pick up the phone. You can order your EPC on your phone, tablet or laptop with ease and get the process started straight away.

Getting the process started faster means you might find the total turnaround time is quicker compared to traditional methods. This speed can be particularly useful when you’re facing time constraints or have a strict deadline to meet.

2. Great Value & Cost Effective

Online EPC services like those offered by The Property Portal tend to be competitively priced which means you could make a cost savings compared to obtaining an EPC the traditional way. Different pricing options and packages are available make it easy to compare services, allowing you to choose the provider that best suits your budget and requirements.

3. Accessibility

Online EPC services are accessible from anywhere via the Internet. This means that for people who can’t travel to see someone in person, or who live rurally and would need to travel a long way, it’s simple to do it all online, with no need for any physical travel.

If you’d like to find out any more about our online energy performance certificates you can get in touch with us here, or start the EPC online order process here.